王丛丛 副教授







2011/09-2014/06   中国农业大学,基础兽医学专业,博士

2008/09-2011/06   南京农业大学,基础兽医学专业,硕士

2004/09-2008/07   聊城大学,动物医学专业,学士










[1]Qingning Geng, Congcong Wang*, Guoping Zhu*. A novel report on the distribution of microplastics in ocellated icefish (Chionodraco rastrospinosus) in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 193: 115188.

[2]Gan Chen, Wen Xu, Dongyan Han*, Congcong Wang*, Ye Shen. Application of high-throughput sequencing to analyze the diet of black croaker (Atrobucca nibe) in southern coastal waters of Zhejiang. Marine Environmental Research, 2023, 191: 106153.

[3] Yewei Yu; Yang Liu; Guoping Zhu; Congcong Wang*. Development and validation of 105 SNPmarkers in Chionodraco rastrospinosus. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2023, 15: 205-213.

[4] Congcong Wang#*, Qin Zhang#, Yang Liu, Qianghua Xu*. Characterization of EPO H131S as a key mutation site in the hypoxia-adaptive evolution of Gymnocypris dobula. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022, 48(3): 723-733.

[5] Yan Zhao, Congcong Wang*, Bilin Liu*, Gang Li, Hao Xu. Development and Identification of 131 SNP markers in Sthenoteuthis pteropus (Steenstrup). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2022,14(4): 371-380.

[6] Hao Xu#, Congcong Wang#*, Yang Liu, Bilin Liu, Gang Li*. Development and characterization of 101 SNP markers in jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2021, 13(1): 13-20.

[7] Xiaoling Li , Xingxing Hu, Huajie Lu, Yang Liu, Congcong Wang*. Development and validation of 107 SNP markers in Todarodes pacificus (Ommastrephidae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2021, 13 (4): 417-424.

[8] Congcong Wang#, Xiaohui Wu#, Xingxing Hu,Huapeng Jiang, Liangbiao Chen*, Qianghua Xu*.Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α from a high-altitude fish enhances cytoprotection and elevates nitric oxide production in hypoxic environment.Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 46: 39-49.

[9] Congcong Wang, Tao Li, Shusheng Tang, Dongxu Zhao, Chaoming Zhang, Shen Zhang, Sijun Deng, Yan Zhou, Xilong Xiao*. Thapsigargin induces apoptosis when autophagy is inhibited in HepG2 cells and both processes are regulated by ROS-dependent pathway. Environ Toxicol Phar, 2016, 41: 167-179.

[10] Dongxu Zhao#, Congcong Wang#, Shusheng Tang, Chaoming Zhang, Shen Zhang, Yan Zhou, Xiling Xiao*. ROS-dependent JNK downregulated olaquindox-induced autophagy in HepG2 cells. J Appl Toxicol, 2015, 35(7): 709-716.

[11] Congcong Wang, Chunzhou Han, Tao Li*, Dehao Yang, Xiaojiong Shen, Yinxin Fan, Yang Xu, WenliZheng, Chenzhong Fei, Lifang Zhang, Feiqun Xue*. Nuclear translocation and accumulation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase involved in diclazuril-induced apoptosis in Eimeria tenella (E. tenella ). Vet Res, 2013, 44(1): 29.

[12] 俞晔伟, 刘洋, 朱国平, 王丛丛*. 基于环境DNA技术的南极欺骗岛海域鱼类物种多样性. 水产学报, 2023, 1-14.

[13] 李晓玲, 刘洋, 王丛丛*, 俞晔伟, 李纲*. 基于环境DNA技术的东海夏季鱼类物种多样性研究. 海洋学报, 2022, 44(4): 74-84.

[14] 徐豪, 梁绪虹, 王丛丛*, 李纲*. 基于线粒体NADH脱氢酶亚基2标记的东南太平洋不同表型间茎柔鱼群体遗传学分析. 南方水产科学, 2022, 18(1): 153-159.

[15] 赵炎, 王丛丛*, 刘必林*, 林龙山, 李渊. 东印度洋、南海海域鸢乌贼种群遗传结构研究.海洋渔业, 2022, 44(4): 396-408.

[16] 张琴, 曹洋铭, 陆化杰, 刘洋, 张忠, 方舟, 王丛丛*. 基于线粒体基因标记的太平洋褶柔鱼群体遗传结构及变异分析. 太阳成集团tyc539学报, 2021, 30(4): 763-769.

[17] 曹洋铭, 王丛丛*, 徐豪, 刘洋. 基于线粒体基因标记的中西太平洋鲣群体遗传学分析. 海洋渔业, 2020, 42(5): 542-551.

[18] 武晓会, 刘洋, 狄治朝, 赵文静, 王丛丛*, 许强华*. 低氧对斑马鱼细胞存活能力的影响. 南方农业学报, 2018, 49(8): 1641-1647.



王丛丛, 胡星星, 刘洋, 产久林, 耿道强, 黄少君. 一种斑马鱼鱼卵孵化装置, 2019.08.13, 中国, ZL 2018 2 20181335.7



[1] Congcong Wang, Gang Li, Bilin Liu. Standard operating procedure of gene sequencing for Jumbo Flying squid in the south east Pacific. The 6th SC meeting of SPRFMO.(被会议采纳)

[2] Congcong Wang, Gang Li, Bilin Liu, Xingxing Hu, Hao Xu. Genetic diversity and population structure of jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific Ocean based on genome-wide SNPs by genotying-by-sequencing. The 7th SC meeting of SPRFMO.(被会议采纳)

[3] Congcong Wang, Gang Li, Hao Xu. China genetics study of Jumbo flying squid, methods and results. The 9th SC meeting of SPRFMO.(被会议采纳)



[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31702312EPO在高原鱼类适应低氧环境中作用机制的研究,2018/01-2020/1225万元,结题,主持

[2] 上海市产学研践习计划,2020/07-2021/065万元,结题,主持

[3] 大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金,A1-2006-23-200210, DNA条形码在西北太平洋灯笼鱼科物种鉴定和系统进化分析中的适应性研究,2023/01-2024/122万元,在研,主持

[4] 大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金,A1-2006-00-301106,基于SNP标记解析太平洋褶柔鱼种群遗传多样性,2019/01-2020/122万元,结题,主持

[5] 大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金,A1-0203-00-2009-4,中西太平洋鲣鱼种群遗传多样性的研究,2017/01-2018/123万元,结题,主持

[6] 太阳成集团tyc539博士启动基金,高原裂腹鱼TGF-β1基因低氧适应性研究,A2-0203-00-1003282016/01-2017/125万元,结题,主持

[7] 大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金,A1-0203-16-2007-8,基于线粒体DNA标记的伯氏肩孔南极鱼种群遗传结构的研究,2015/05-2017/052万元,结题,主持

[8] 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项,2023YFE0104500,南极罗斯海区域渔业与气候变化的协同效应,2023/10-2026/09160万元,在研,参与

[9] 国家重点研发计划,2019YFD0901404,远洋生物资源立体的探测与渔场解析技术,2019/11-2022/12572万,在研,参与

[10] 上海市“浦江人才”计划项目,18PJ1404100,基于角质颚信息的茎柔鱼种群特征研究,2018/7-2020/620万元,结题,参与


[12] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31572598,南极冰鱼血红细胞丢失的表观遗传调控与低氧适应机制研究,2016/01-2019/1269.5万元,结题,参与



